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Having trouble syncing history and bookmarks from the mobile app and the desktop app

Solved Denath 11 months ago

I've had Aloha on my iPhone and iPad for a long while and have had no issues syncing things between the two. Just today did I get the desktop browser, and when I logged in to my aloha account nothing has transferred over, and when i click my profile icon on the desktop browser, the little cloud icon is marked with a red X. I probably need to wait or something, but it just might be a issue so I thought I'd share it, attached below is what I see on the desktop browser.

Replies (2)


Here I am back 8 hours later, still seeing the cloud with the red X, im gonna hope that this is a glitch and not user error, cause if its user error, then there definitely needs to be a more direct way of asking users if they want to transfer things across devices other then just clicking the little switches (and yes I have those all on)


Good day!

Please open Settings ( or Additional settings if app version or newer ) - Aloha profile - Manage synchronisation.

see image for ref:

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