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Downloaded files again getting set as hidden in the archive folder

Solved Neil S 9 months ago

Two years ago, I reported a bug, which you then fixed....


It turned out, all the files were in the archive, but the app was adding a dot/period before the file-name, which then hid them all when extracted on a Mac. A painful rename process was then needed.

It seems to be doing it again now. I'm on v5.9.0

Replies (2)


Good day,

Thanks for reporting.

  1. do you have the "Files access" switch enabled in the Files settings?
  2. please a make a screen record on how do you archive your files
  3. and then send the received archive.


Aloha Team


Sorry for the delay, I've been away.

No, I hadn't had 'Files Access' enabled, at tehsame time as enabling 'Wifi Sharing'. I saw it as one or the other.

If I do download via wifu, with Files Access disabled, all the files in teh zip get a 'period' prefix, and are hidden.

If I enable Files Access, and do the same, they are not. So that's my workaround. But it still feels like a bug to me.


No worries! We have managed to trace this behaviour and notified our devs team for fixes. It will be improved in the near future releases 👍

Kind regards,

Aloha Team

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