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Aloha Browser Storage Discrepancy Issue

Solved Bilal 6 days ago

I’m facing an issue with Aloha Browser on my iPhone. The iPhone Settings app shows it’s using 4.09 GB of storage, but the Aloha Browser app itself shows only 3.6 GB. Please look into this discrepancy and fix it.

Replies (1)


Good day,

Thanks for your feedback. The discrepancy between the file sizes shown in the two screenshots is because they're measuring different aspects of the Aloha app's storage usage:

In the first screenshot (iPhone Storage):

  • App size - This represents the installed application code itself
  • Documents and data - This represents user data stored by the app

In the second screenshot (Aloha Files page):

  • "Aloha files" - This specifically shows files stored by Aloha that are accessible through the device's file system

The difference occurs because:

  1. The first screenshot shows the total app footprint (both the app binary and all its data)
  2. The second screenshot is showing only user-accessible files that Aloha has created

Most of Aloha's of "Documents and data" are likely stored in app-specific directories or databases that aren't directly accessible through the device's file system, which explains why not all Mbytes appear as "Aloha files" in the storage management view.

Its absolutely normal practice for browsers and file download applications. Browsers often store a significant amount of data in the cache, temporary files, and other service storages.


Aloha Team

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