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VPNs not working on Aloha but does on Chrome & Firefox (Android)

Completed Scoperz525 53 days ago

I've been using Aloha with VPNs that I downloaded from the Play Store (not the ones that come with the browsers), but this problem has only recently appeared. I've found that every time I try to search for something using a VPN, it simply tells me that there is a connection error and that I should connect to a VPN, which I do. The prompts would say: "Connection Error" or "Failed SSL Handshake". Also, for some reason, I get the prompt "Timeout Error" when I try to download zip files. I've even tried using Aloha's built-in VPN to see if it helps, but the problem remains.

I first thought it was my VPN, but after trying another one, I'm still experiencing issues. I tried Aloha and Brave browser, but the problem persists. After that, I tried searching with the Chrome and Firefox apps, which, for some reason, worked great. Why is this happening?

I've included a screenshot of what it looks like when you try to search something using Aloha's built-in VPN, and this is how it looks all the time now.

Replies (1)


Good day,

Thanks for your feedback. What VPN service do you use? Is it Aloha VPN app? (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alohamobile.vpn&hl=en)


Aloha Team


I've tried a few VPNs to test this, including Proton VPN, Secure VPN, and, but they all have the same issue. As mentioned in the post, I've also tried using the Aloha app's built-in VPN. I haven't used the Aloha VPN that you mentioned because you have to PAY to use a VPN, which makes no sense if there aren't at least a few free options. What's the point of having a VPN built into the Aloha app (which doesn't work) but is free, and then another VPN that you have to pay for?


We offer free VPN service and also paid VPN which includes additional settings and loads of country servers. Does this happen with all sites or only specific websites?

Also, what Aloha and Android version do you currently have and device model.


It happens on all sites. I'm on version 6.11.0 and Samsung S24. I'm also facing another issue now where even without a VPN, I cant even search for anything as I get the "Timeout Error" prompt which makes no sense as this never happened before.


Hello?? Can I get a response as to why this is happening?


They are not compatible with the TrafficMask.
To continue using 3rd party VPN services, please turn the TrafficMask off in the menu or in the Aloha VPN settings.


I think your issue might be something else like your network adapters. Wanted to chime in anyway as this may help everyone. Your set up could be different from mine.
I had issues with Aloha's free VPN also. It would blink but not connect or stay connected. I thought it was my Antivirus and firewall...and was to a degree but not all. Aloha does work with Proton. It just does no fix required. I can't say on any others but I'd think it would.

To fix Aloha VPN- I had to make sure IPv6 was enabled in all my Network Adapters Properties, not just IPv4 but both should be checked. Under the Aloha adapter properties-options-PPP I checked enable LCP extensions and Negotiate multi link for single link connections. Then I went to my AV Firewall and marked it as trusted. Now I'm back to being able to use Aloha VPN.


also make sure the VPN ports are open in your firewall. I had to open a UDP 1 of mine where it was set to closed,


Is there any way to fix this without tweaking anything on the router? I'm looking for a way to fix it within the phone. Is this possible by adjusting the network settings or anything else on the phone settings?


Apologies for not checking in sooner. I did some research for you. Yes, I think so. May well be Samsung issue as there are known connectivity/update issues with the Samsung S24 (and other devices) though issues aren't at all exclusive only to Samsung.
You haven't mentioned if this is while on data plan, wifi, 5G, 4G LTE or what so I'll give you several things to skim thru/try via links. I overkilled on the amount of links but they are useful and almost all are from Samsung site. I am in no way liable for what you choose to do however. I hope it helps,

1) Have you tried a soft reset? First plug in charger. Then hold down volume down button and power button. Continue holding until phone shuts off and restarts.

2) https://www.samsung.com/uk/support/mobile-devices/how-to-troubleshoot-mobile-data-issues/

3) https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Galaxy-S24/Unable-to-connect-to-Wi-Fi-on-S23-Ultra-and-S24/m-p/2934584

4) https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Galaxy-S24/Problem-with-being-connected-to-an-unsecure-site/td-p/2988130

5) https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Galaxy-S24/Connected-to-Wi-Fi-but-my-apps-won-t-load/m-p/3102273

-mentions turning wifi off and boom apps load.

6) https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Galaxy-S24/After-update-some-apps-not-loading-over-Wi-Fi/td-p/3122557

7) https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/galaxy-s24-series/s24-ultra-wifi-issues/td-p/9265604/page/6

-mentions the apps work fine when the WiFi is disconnected and S24U drops IPv6 resulting in timeouts for several apps

8) https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/galaxy-s24-series/unstable-network-after-update-on-s24-ultra/td-p/10669775/page/6

- mentions downgrade the phone in 4g then goes stable and another long thing to try

9) https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/galaxy-s24-series/s24-lost-cellular-connection-after-latest-update/td-p/11663286

-mentions bug in update probably

10) https://us.community.samsung.com/t5/Galaxy-S23/S23-intermittent-signal-issues/m-p/2817085

-links to repair, customer service, more help etc

11) https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-google-coop&q=Samsung+S24+version+6.11.0+Connection+Error&cx=partner-pub-7364574998956639:7193898547

12) https://www.google.com/search?q=Samsung+S24+version+6.11.0+Failed+SSL+Handshake&client=ms-google-coop&cx=partner-pub-7364574998956639%3A7193898547&uact=5

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